Our Projects
Let’s go on a tour with you on our projects
Visit to Ubeji community
We launched the pilot of micro-lending program in Delta State, with female small business owners at Ubeji community representing Warri North, Warri South and Warri South West LGAs. Creating opportunities and constantly adding value to the lives of women across Nigeria remains the goal.

We are focused on improving the agricultural value chain and breaking the bias to bridge the gender gap in women’s financial inclusion.
Gaku Community Cassava Harvest

HERVENTURE Learning Series, Warri
The learning series is a business and financial management training program for female entrepreneurs. HERVENTURE supports women through their free learning platform via the HERVENTURE Mobil app. Female entrepreneurs have the chance to learn data free and gain information about best business growth strategies at their convenience simply by clicking a button.

We collaborated and hosted the HERVENTURE learning series Warri organized by the Enterprise Development Center (EDC)- Pan Atlantic University, The Cherie Blair foundation and Exxon Mobil foundation.
Gaku Community Cassava-Value chain project
The cassava value chain project is an innovative partnership program between the Better Life Program for the African Rural Woman (BLPARW) and SEEDS Services Limited to address the issue of female inclusion, improve food security and alleviate poverty by strengthening local agricultural value chains for female farmers.

The program partners worked together to create and promote replicable and integrated solutions for agro-food value chain development. The program aims to improve the livelihoods of rural female farmers by giving them access to finance, access to high-quality agro-input and access to markets. As a result, over 100 female farmers in the Gaku community have benefited from agricultural and financial skills training, access to agricultural inputs and equipment, which has improved their productivity and minimized post-harvest losses.